Jharkhand Board Class 12th Computer Science Important Multiple Choice Question With Answer Previous 10 Years [Jac Board]
Jharkhand Board Computer Science Important Multiple Choice Question Previous 10 Years [Jac Board], Jac Board Class 12 Importanat Question Paper With Q
Computer Science MCQ Question
Jac Board Class 12th
Most Important Question
Multiple Choice Questions
1. C++ is developed by
(a) Dennis Ritchie
(b) Ken Thompson
(c) Martin Richard
(d) Bjarne Stroustrup
2. String Terminator character is
(a) '\o'
(b) '\n'
(c) '\b'
(d) None Of These
3. DBMS stands for
(a) Database Management System
(b) Database Manual System
(c) Define Management Solution
(d) None of These
4. The smallest individual unit in
(a) Semicolon
(b) Data Type
(c) Token
(d) Keyword
5. The process of finding the location of the particular element in the array is called.
(a) Traversal
(b) Searching
(c) Sorting
(d) None of These
6. The Boolean expression A•(B+C)=AB+AC is
(a) Associative law
(b) Commutative law
(c) Absorption law
(d) Distributive law
7. Destructor name is preceded by
(a) !
(b) $
(c) #
(d) ~
8. The term 'attribute' refers to a
(a) Table
(b) Row
(c) Column
(d) Relation
9. Main is a/an
(a) Object
(b) Function
(c) Literal
(d) None of These
10. F stream class is used for
(a) Input operation
(b) Output operation
(c) Input/Output operation
(d) None of These
11. A set of logical operators is
(a) + - * / %
(b) ? :
(c) > < >= <=
(d) None of These
12. Pointer is a
(a) variable that holds address of other variable
(b) Pointer name is preceded by *
(c) Void pointer is a pointer which can hold the address of any data type
(d) All of these
13. STACK follows
(a) GIGO Technique
(b) FIFO Technique
(c) LIFO Technique
(d) None of These.
14. When several classes inherit the properties of same common class it is called.
(a) Single inheritance
(b) Multiple inheritance
(c) Hierarchical inheritance
(d) None of These
15. People standing in a line is an example of
(d) Linked list
16. .........is a Browser
(a) C++
(b) Telnet
(c) Firefox
(d) Cookies
17. Main is a/an
(a) Object
(b) Function
(c) Literal
(d) None of These
18. Destructor has the same name as the constructor and it is preceded by
(a) !
(b) $
(c) #
(d) ~
19. A set of logical operators is
(a) + - * / %
(b) ? :
(c) > < >= <=
(d) &&, ||, !
20. Which of the following is not a feature of C++?
(a) Operator overloading
(b) Inheritance
(c) Namespace
(d) Reflection.
21.Which of the following is not a type of constructor?
(a) Copy constructor
(b) Parameterized constructor
(c) Default constructor
(d) Friend constructor
22. Which of the following is not the member of class?
(a) Static function
(b) Friend function
(c) Const function
(d) Virtual function.
23. Which of the following concepts provides facility of using object of one class inside 'another class?
(a) Encapsulation
(b) Composition
(c) Abstraction
(d) Inheritance.
24. which of the following sorting algorithms is of divide- and-conquer type?
(a) Bubble sort
(b) Insertion sort
(c) Quick sort
(d) All of these
25. The operation of processing each element in the list is known as
(a) Sorting
(b) Merging
(c) Inserting
(d) Traversal
26. Transformation of infix operation (A+B*C-D)/E*F to post-fix is
(a) ABC*+D-EF*/
(b) ABC+*D-EF*/
(c) ABC*+D-EF/*
(d) None of These
27. The following are components of a database except
(a) user date
(b) metadata
(c) reports
(d) indexes.
28. A row in a relation is called
(a) Data
(b) Tuple
(c) Domain
(d) None of these
29. The Boolean Expression A.(B.C)=(A. B).C is called
(a) Associative Law
(b) Commutative Law
(c) Absorption Law
(d) Distributive Law
30. Tautology means a Boolean Expression that always results in
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Both
(d) None of these
31. ...............is a network of networks.
(a) Internet
(b) Intranet
(c) Webpage
(d) Browser
32. Which of the following layers is not in OSI model.
(a) Physical layer
(b) Internet layer
(c) Network layer
(d) Transport layer
33. A set of conditional/ternary operator(s) is/are
(a) +, -, *,/,%
(b) >,<,>=,<=,==,!=
(c) &&, ||, !
(d) ?:
34. Which operator has the lowest precedence?
(a) Size of
(b) Unary
(c) Assignment
(d) Comma
35. In C++ programming strlen() function is used for
(a) Count length of a string
(b) Copy two strings
(c) Compare two strings
(d) Concatenate two strings
36. In C++ programming array index is always starts
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
37. While loop checks the condition on
(a) Top
(b) Bottom
(c) Middle
(d) None of these
38. Which of the following is the symbol for AND operator?
(a) ||
(b) &&
(c) &
(d) None of these
39. What will be the output of the following condition statement A= 15>=15? 15:16
(a) 16
(b) 15
(c) 31
(d) None of these
40. If an array is declared as int arr[5] [5], how many elements can it store?
(a) 0
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) 25
41. In C++ programming '/' is used for
(a) Form feed
(b) Line brake
(c) Vertical tab
(d) Alarm
42. Which of the following data structures is non-linear type?
(a) Strings
(b) Stacks
(c) Lists
(d) None of these
43. The operation of processing each element in the list is known as
(a) Sorting
(b) Merging
(c) Inserting
(d) Traversal
44. A Boolean function of n variables has.........rows of possible input combinations.
(a) n
(b) 2n
(c) 2n
(d) 2n-1
45. Which of the following is not a type of constructor?
(a) Copy constructor
(b) Parameterised constructor
(c) Default constructor
(d) Friend constructor
46. The Boolean expression A.(B+C)=AB+AC is called
(a) Associative Law
(b) Commutative Law
(c) Absorption Law
(d) Distributive Law
47. In which topology has every node an equal chance to transmit data?
(a) Ring
(b) Star
(c) Bus
(d) Mesh
48. How many layers are there in the TCP/IP model?
(a) 1 layer
(b) 3 layer
(c) 5 layer
(d) 7 layer
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