Jac Board Class 10 English(Short & Long Type) Most Important Question 2025

Class 10ENGLISHShort & Long Type
Most Important Question 2025

LETTER TO GOD (G.L. Fuentes)

Q 1. Why did Lencho write a letter to god ?
Ans : Lencho wrote a letter to God because his fields were destroyed by a hailstorm. He had great faith in God, so he asked for 100 pesos. He needed the money to plant his crops again and to feed his family until the next harvest.

Q 2. What did Lencho have faith in ? What did he do ?
Ans : Lencho had faith in God. He believed that God saw everything and would help him in his difficult time.
After a hailstorm destroyed his crops, Lencho wrote a letter to God, asking for 100 pesos to replant his field and support his family. Then, he went to the post office and mailed the letter, fully believing that God would help him.

Q 3. Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho.
Ans : The postmaster sent money to Lencho to keep his faith alive in God. He signed the letter 'God' because he did not want to shake his faith in God.

Q 4. How did the post office employees help Lencho ?
Ans : The postmaster was a gentle, and kind person. He was surprised to learn Lencho's faith in God. He was a well- behaved and an honest person. He realized Lencho's grief and decided to help him. He collected money from his colleagues and sent it to Lencho. He did not want to shake off Lencho's faith in God.


Q 5. Which twin obligation does every man have in life.
Ans : According to Mandela, every person has two obligations in life. The first is the obligation to their family, including parents, wife, and children. The second obligation is to their people, community, and country. A person should fulfill these duties in a fair and just society. However, in South Africa under English rule, this was impossible. Anyone who tried to live with dignity and freedom was punished and isolated.

Q 6. How did Mandela's hunger for freedom change his life ?
Ans : In his youth, Mandela realized that not only his freedom but the freedom of all Black people was being taken away. His desire for his own freedom grew into a desire for his people's freedom. He dreamed of a society without racism, which made him a kind and selfless person. He joined the African National Congress (ANC), which changed him from a scared young man into a brave leader.

Q 7. Where did the inauguration ceremony take place ?
Ans : The inauguration ceremony of Nelson Mandela as the first Black President of South Africa took place at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on 10th May 1994. Leaders from different countries attended the event to celebrate the end of apartheid and the beginning of a new democratic South Africa.


Q 8. How did the young seagull make his first flight ?
Ans : The young seagull was alone and hungry on his ledge. His brothers and sister had already flown away, but he was too scared to fly. He tried to flap his wings but got afraid and stayed back. He was very hungry and saw his mother tearing a piece of fish. He begged her for food. She picked up the fish and flew towards him but stopped just before reaching him. Unable to control his hunger, he jumped towards the fish and fell off the ledge. At first, he was terrified, but then he flapped his wings and started flying. His parents and siblings encouraged him. He felt happy and excited as he saw the vast green sea beneath him.

Q 9. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly ?
Ans : The young seagull was afraid to fly because he thought his wings were too weak to support him. So, he stepped back and hid in a small hole under the ledge instead of trying to fly.


Q 10. "Papers has more patience than people" Elucidate ?
Ans : Anne Frank says, 'Paper has more patience than people' in the story From the Diary of Anne Frank. This means that people do not always have the patience to listen to others' personal thoughts and problems. They may get bored and stop paying attention. But paper is different. We can write as much as we want, and it will never ask us to stop.


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